Embossed Tuck Box

Embossed Tuck Box
Embossed Tuck Box

Our tuck box embossing procedure is carried out on dedicated large scale embossing machines to ensure your embossed artwork is done properly on each and every copy. Customize your card game tuck box with your own embossed artwork to bring out your game design and an added sense of touch. The added dimension will turn your ordinary card game into a more professional and impressive looking card game set.

Embossed Tuck Box

Embossing is the process of creating raised image patterns onto a surface such as paper to create a touch aspect. An embossed pattern is raised against the background, providing a clean and distinctive or subtle image on paper. It does not include the use of ink to highlight the embossed area. The change in the dimensional appearance of the material is the only noticeable difference resulting from the embossing.

Embossed Tuck Box
  • Custom embossed tuck box
  • Templates for different number of cards per set available. Download from our site or ask our customer services.
  • Minimum order quantity of 100 boxes
Embossed Tuck Box
Video Sample
Video Sample

The video shows an example of an embossed tuck box for game cards.

Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial

Watch our easy tutorial video in preparing a file for embossing.


Download the tuck box template which is available for common sizes of playing cards as well as different numbers of cards per deck, design the file using your own software such as Illustrator or Photoshop and re-upload it back to us on our site.

Choose cards & box here
Over 40 Years in Games Manufacturing. No minimum order!